
JS Pink Roses Bouquet "You and I Both"

  • JS
  • Florist Service
  • Pink Roses, Eucalyptus Leaves, Purple Caspia
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Malaysia

Product details of JS Pink Roses Bouquet "You and I Both"

Service Guidelines: JS's pink roses bouquet, named "You and I Both," exudes elegance and charm with its delicate arrangement of fresh pink roses. This enchanting bouquet is a perfect expression of love and affection, making it an ideal gift for various occasions. The carefully selected pink roses symbolise grace, admiration, and appreciation, making it a meaningful gesture to convey heartfelt emotions.

JS's attention to detail is evident in the meticulous arrangement of the pink roses, creating a visually stunning bouquet that captivates the senses. The lush green foliage complements the soft pink hues of the roses, adding depth and texture to the overall presentation.

With JS's pink roses bouquet, customers can expect premium quality flowers that are sourced ethically and handled with care to ensure freshness and longevity. Whether it's a romantic gesture, a thoughtful gift for a loved one, or a gesture of gratitude, this exquisite bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.

JS's commitment to providing exceptional floral arrangements shines through in the "You and I Both" bouquet, offering customers a touch of luxury and sophistication in every petal.

Packaging: JS Florist's "You and I Both” pink roses bouquet is skillfully packed for B2B transit and shipment, making it an ideal choice for any occasion. The pink rose bouquet specifications are as follows:




10 Roses (RM99)


15 Roses (RM149)


20 Roses (RM199)

Pink Roses Bouquet Overview

JS's pink roses bouquet, known as "You and I Both," is a stunning floral arrangement that embodies elegance and romance. This exquisite bouquet features a delicate selection of fresh pink roses meticulously arranged to create a captivating and enchanting display. The soft pink hues of the roses exude a sense of grace and sophistication, making it a perfect gift for expressing love and admiration.

Each rose in the bouquet is carefully chosen for its quality and beauty, ensuring that every petal is flawless and vibrant. The lush green foliage adds a touch of freshness and complements the soft pink tones of the roses, creating a harmonious and visually appealing composition.

JS's commitment to quality is evident in the meticulous attention to detail in the arrangement of the pink roses. The bouquet is expertly crafted to showcase the natural beauty of the flowers, creating a striking and memorable presentation that is sure to delight the recipient.

Whether it's a gesture of love, appreciation, or celebration, JS's pink roses bouquet is a thoughtful and meaningful gift for any occasion. The "You and I Both" bouquet is perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions and conveying sentiments of affection and admiration.

With JS's dedication to sourcing ethically grown flowers and ensuring their freshness and longevity, customers can trust that they are receiving a premium quality product that will bring joy and beauty to any recipient. Treat yourself or your loved ones to the exquisite beauty of JS's pink roses bouquet and let the timeless elegance of these flowers brighten any space.

About JS Florist

JS Florist is a top provider and seller of exceptional floral arrangements, engaging customers with breathtaking bouquets and great attention to detail. With a reputation for creating beautiful and meaningful flower arrangements, JS Florist has established itself as an industry leader, recognised for their creativity and dedication to quality.

At JS Florist, each bouquet is meticulously crafted to perfection, showing the experience and creativity of their professional floral designers. The "You and I Both” pink roses bouquet, seen on their website, exemplifies the beauty and elegance that JS Florist brings to every arrangement. JS Florist employs only the freshest and most vivid flowers, ensuring that each bouquet is a true work of art that will capture everyone's heart.

In addition to their wonderful floral arrangements, JS Florist takes pride in providing excellent customer service, ensuring that each customer's experience is seamless and enjoyable. From aiding customers in selecting the perfect flower for any occasion to ensuring timely delivery, JS Florist goes above and beyond to exceed expectations and create lasting memories for its customers.

With a commitment to excellence and a desire to create spectacular flower arrangements, JS Florist has established itself as a go-to destination for people seeking beauty and elegance in floral gifts. Whether you want to surprise a loved one, celebrate a special occasion, or simply brighten up your house, JS Florist has a wide range of options to suit every taste and style. Discover the magic of JS Florist and enjoy the excitement of giving and receiving their stunning floral bouquets.

Pink Roses Bouquet Specifications

  1. Full stalks of premium pink roses
  2. Comes in 3 different arrangement sizes
  3. Available in affordable prices
  4. Displays attractive external packaging 
  5. Ideal as thank you gifts, birthday gifts & internal arrangement

Best for Occasion: Anniversary, Valentines Day, Birthdays, Thank You

Features: Hot Pink roses conveys gratitude, recognition and appreciation, and as such JS's pink roses bouquet, "You and I Both”, showcases a delightful combination of pink roses, Eucalyptus leaves, and Purple Caspia. The Eucalyptus leaves add a refreshing touch with their aromatic scent and unique silver-green colour, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the bouquet. Additionally, the Purple Caspia provides a pop of vibrant colour and texture, creating a dynamic contrast against the soft pink roses. These elements complement each other beautifully, adding depth and character to the arrangement. The inclusion of Eucalyptus leaves and Purple Caspia elevates the bouquet, making it a standout choice for those seeking a sophisticated and visually appealing floral gift.

>JS Florist

JS Florist

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  • Malaysia
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