Corak Rentak Sdn Bhd is a company registered with MATRADE (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation). Incorporated on 2nd of August 2001, we started our retail business with outlets at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and LCCT (Low-Cost Carrier Terminal) since 2004 focusing on Made In Malaysia products such as chocolates, chocolate-related products, confectionary items, local delicacies, souvenirs and handicraft. We were the 1st to introduce the concept of “Made In Malaysia” product retail outlet at KLIA.
As a business outside of the airport, we took the lead to start our own factory under our own subsidiary company Honeygold Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd in 2019, to provide the rural bee farmers’ community in Malaysia with a place where they can send their honey to be processed or sell their honey.
Mystical Bees Sdn Bhd which is a subsidiary company of Corak Rentak Sdn Bhd is created as a marketing arm for the company.
Winning 1st Place for Anugerah Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian Department of Agriculture for our HILDA system (Honey Intensive Dehydration Apparatus)
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