Featured Halal Article  
  Malaysia Halal Standard Leads The Global Halal Market  
  The current Malaysian Halal Standard, MS 1500 “General Guidelines on the Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage of Halal Food” prescribes the practical guidelines for the food industry on the preparation and handling of Halal food – a basic requirement for food products and food trade or business in Malaysia. Implemented together with related standards – MS 1480 and MS 1514 – on food safety and food hygiene, the Malaysia Halal Standard guarantee that the food “Made in Malaysia” or consumed in Malaysia not only safe but Halal.

It is noted that nowadays, Halal products are gaining wider recognition as a new benchmark for safety and quality assurance including in the western countries. The growing number of Halal fast food restaurants in many western countries shows that the Westerns is catering to the needs of Muslims better than ever before. Apparently products that are produced with Halal certification are readily acceptable by Muslim consumers as well as consumers from other religions. This acceptance is due to the overall concept of Halal, which covers not only the Shariah requirement, but also the hygiene, sanitation and safety aspects.

Nevertheless, a question remains: How do Muslim manufacturers in Malaysia react to the Halal Standard? Most do not bother applying for any Halal standard or certification as they are content with the perception that food produced by Muslims is automatically Halal certified. Another issue worth pointing out is the probability of Muslim companies or Small and Medium Industries (SMI) willing to invest some capital to abide by the MS1500:2004.21 Some of the companies are not willing to do so, as even if they do not apply for Halal certification, people still come and buy from them.